Ex, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Research and Management Consultants Ltd,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
E-mail: furkan.telehealth@gmail.com
Cell: +8801740190053
Research work / Publications
Co- Principal investigator, Evaluation of “Improving Health and
Social Well-being of Adolescent Female Sex Workers through Enhanced Access to Essential
Services” for Save the Children, 2019
Co- Principal investigator, Situation assessment of health, drug use
and HIV in the selected Prisons of Bangladesh for UNODC in 2010-11
Co- Principal investigator, Rapid assessment of the factors putting
children at risk of drug abuse in selected divisional cities and rural areas in convergence
districts for UNICEF, 2009
Co- Principal investigator, Rapid situation assessment among the
injecting drug users in 29 districts of Bangladesh for NASP and SC-USA, 2008
Co- Investigator, Evaluation of Strengthening the RH services with
UNFPA, for UNFPA in 2007
Co- Principal investigator, Situation Assessment to Drug Use among
the children in Dhaka city for TDH Natherland and Bangladesh Shishu Adhikar Forum, 2006
Co- Principal investigator, Rapid situation assessment of HIV/AIDS
among the Drug users in five selected districts in Khulna and Barisal Division, for Unicef, 2006
Co- Investigator, Rapid situation assessment of HIV/AIDS among the
child drug users in Dhaka city, for TDH, 2006
Co- Investigator, Rapid situation assessment of HIV/AIDS among the
high-risk population in 8 Districts for CARE Bangladesh, 2004-05
Most Recent Consultancy Services
Lead Consultant, Rapid Situation and Response Assessment (RSRA)
among People Who Inject Drugs (PWID) and Female Sex Workers (FSWs) in 14 districts, Client: Save
the Children (On going).
Lead Consultant, Factors Associated with HIV Viral Load Suppression
on Antiretroviral Therapy in Bangladesh, Client: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.,
Government of Bangladesh, 2024.
Co-Investigator, Study on Prevalence of HIV, HCV and Syphilis among
the Prisons of Bangladesh and Knowledge, Attitude & Practices Survey on HIV/STI Transmission &
Prevention, Client: National AIDS/STD Programme (ASP), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.,
Government of Bangladesh, 2024.
Social Research Expert, Needs Assessment on Justice for Children in
Rohingya Camps, Location: Cox’s Bazar District, Client: UNICEF, 2024.
Lead Consultant, Situational assessment on the structural barriers
(administrative and social) that impedes access to health and human rights services to people
who use and inject drugs in Bangladesh and develop an advocacy brief based on the findings; Harm
Reduction International, UK, 2023 (Funded by the Global Fund).
Lead Consultant, Assessment on the livelihood and human rights
situation among the FSWs in Bangladesh to understand the barriers to accessing health, social
and legal services to address their individual
well-being in selected areas; UNAIDS Bangladesh, 2023 (TSM)
Lead Consultant, Support advocacy and training in HIV prevention and
treatment to strengthen the GoB Department of Social Security (DSS) among adolescents focusing
vulnerable street adolescent and adolescent key populations; Unicef and UNAIDS Bangladesh, 2023
Lead Consultant, Health Facility Survey in Urban Area, Ministry of
Local Government, Government of Bangladesh, 2023
Co-Investigator, Mapping Study and Size Estimation of Key Population
in Bangladesh for HIV Programs 2022-23; National AIDS/STD Programme (ASP), Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare., Government of Bangladesh
Lead Consultant, Qualitative Study on Violence among the Female Sex
Workers in Dhaka City, Bangladesh, Sex Workers Network, Bangladesh; 2022
Lead Consultant, Baseline Study on Choice Voice and Promise, an
Innovation Project of Save the Children’s Sponsorship program in Barishal’; 2022
Lead Consultant, KAP Survey and Programme Evaluation on low Vision
Rehabilitation and Vision Therapy in Bangladesh, Ispahani Islamia Eye Institute and Hospital,
Dhaka; 2022
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